CSP Completes Concrete Works on Two Elevated Water Tanks in Bqasta and Jinsnaya, South
Located in the South Lebanon Governorate, the towns of Jinsnaya and Bqasta have been experiencing severe water shortages, forcing around 1,250 residents in the former and 11,500 in the latter to purchase additional trucked in water on a weekly basis – an increasing burden amidst the ongoing economic crisis which has caused growing tensions within the communities. In response, USAID’s Community Support Program (CSP) is constructing an elevated water tank in each town to provide an equitable distribution of water whilst alleviating financial strains on local residents. During the week of June 13, 2022, CSP finalized all concrete works on both water tanks. With this milestone, CSP achieved around 70% progress in Bqasta, where CSP’s local contractor is now preparing to launch the mechanical works, and around 45% progress in Jinsnaya, where the contractor is currently preparing to cast the top roof slab. Both activities are expected to conclude by mid-August 2022. These interventions will reduce pressure on both towns’ water systems while also mitigate tensions by meeting residents basic water needs. “This vital and timely activity has been long awaited by the community, who has been suffering from water shortages for too long,” stated Mr. Hadi Youssef, Jinsnaya Mukhtar.
Final concrete works being cast for the construction of water towers in Bqasta (Left) and Jinsnaya (right).