The USAID-Funded Community Support Program Holds a Pause and Reflect Session for Interns Supporting Peacebuilding Activities Across Ten Lebanese Communities
Launched in 2020, the USAID-funded Community Support Program (CSP) collaborates with USAID’s University Scholarship Program (USP) and the Higher Education Capacity Development (HECD) program to provide paid internships to undergraduate students and recent graduates. To date, 268 university students and graduates were placed in internships across 12 USAID implementing partners. Ten of the interns are currently supporting CSP’s People-to-People (P2P) activities which aim to enhance peaceful dialogues among representatives of conflicting groups in ten targeted communities.
P2P programing brings together around 500 community representatives to interact purposefully in safe spaces to promote mutual understanding, trust, empathy, and resilient social ties, thus reducing the intensity of local conflicts. On July 9, 2024, CSP’s P2P partner, Peace Labs, organized a “pause and reflect” session to CSP’s ten interns contributing to implementing P2P dialogues. The session provided a platform for interns to share their experiences and gain deeper insights into peacebuilding methodologies and approaches. “Peace Labs” director coached the interns through the next phase of P2P implementation. All ten interns reported an acquired, evidence-based belief in the benefits and utility of deep dialogue to reduce tensions within local communities.
“By working closely with conflicting community members in the south, I witnessed first-hand how dialogue could lead to real solutions. I hope that this initiative expands to include more communities with the participation of more youth groups as catalysts of change”, said Ibrahim Zaatari, P2P Field Assistant Intern, South Lebanon
(Jezzine, Aabra, Hlaliye, and Bqosta in South Lebanon; Jdita, Taalbaya, Barr Elias, and El Khiara in the Beqaa, and West Tall Abbas and Ras Masqa in North Lebanon).