CSP Signs Act of Agreement with North Lebanon Water Establishment for Construction of Wastewater Treatment Plant in Bchaale, North
USAID’s Community Support Program (CSP) signed an Act of Agreement (AoA) with the North Lebanon Water Establishment (NLWE). The AoA serves as a protocol to delineate the responsibilities of each party in the implementation of a USAID-funded wastewater infrastructure intervention which aims to mitigate pollution from the discharge of untreated domestic wastewater in Bchaale. CSP is collaborating with NLWE to construct a new wastewater treatment plant in Bchaale to treat around 300m³ of wastewater per day to benefit more than 2,000 Lebanese residents in the area. In parallel, to ensure the long-term sustainability of this activity, CSP is building the capacities of NLWE by training staff on the maintenance and operation of the wastewater treatment plant equipment and processes. The Bchaale intervention is just one part of USAID’s overall investment in wastewater management through CSP that seeks to environmentally manage at least 12,000 m3 of wastewater per day.
“We would like to thank USAID/CSP for their continuous effort to preserve the environment in Bchaale. The wastewater treatment plant will greatly contribute in mitigating the pollution and protecting our ancient olive tree grove,” stated Rachid Geagea, Mayor of Bchaale.