CSP Enhances Access to Clean Water to Thousands of Residents in the Beqaa Region
Amidst severe nationwide water shortages, mostly stemming from poor infrastructure, lack of state-electricity supply, and the inability of regional water establishments to operate and maintain water pumping stations, USAID’s Community Support Program (CSP) has been implementing a range of activities to enhance water provision in Lebanon’s most vulnerable communities. In the Beqaa specifically, CSP has been constructing a 300m³ elevated water tank in Talia, where the town’s existing water tank had become defunct due to frequent water leakages and was unable to meet the demand of the increasing population. In parallel, CSP has been working with the community of Es Soultan Yaaqoub to install solar photovoltaic (PV) modules to operate the water pump since the water pumping station serving the town was not fully functional due to an outdated generator.
During the first week of December 2022, CSP reached around 90% progress in the implementation of these activities, having successfully tested both upgraded water systems. Together, these interventions will provide clean water to an estimated 10,200 beneficiaries and reduce inter-communal tensions over access to water. Next, CSP will working on finalizing the minor remaining works prior to completing and commissioning both services by the end of December 2022.
“Without this intervention by USAID/CSP, it would have been impossible to resolve the water shortages, especially amidst the current economic crisis,” stated Mr Antoine Abi Haidar, Mayor of Talia Municipality.