August 21, 2023

CSP Enhances Water Provision for 5,450 Residents in Jinsnaya by Installing an Elevated Water Tank, South Lebanon

Jinsnaya lies on the periphery of Jezzine district in southern Lebanon. It is home to 1,250 residents, the majority of whom returned from Lebanon’s urban centers to settle down permanently in the village amidst the nationwide socio-economic crisis. The village water network, which was designed for a much smaller population of around 500 people, was in need of an upgrade to meet the demands of the recent influx of newcomers. While residents used to rely on another water source in the neighboring town of El Qariye, its capacity is limited and unable to meet household water demands in both towns, fueling intercommunal tensions over water provision. In response, USAID’s Community Support Program (CSP) constructed a 300-cubic-meter elevated water tank to provide Jinsnaya’s residents, and up to 4,200 residents in El Qariye, with a sustainable source of water. The CSP team also installed electro-mechanical and chlorination systems to ensure safe water and high-standard operations. In August 2023, CSP finalized all earthing works for the constructed water tank to mitigate any damage that may be caused by electrical faults.

This intervention, is enhancing water provision for a total of 5,450 people in Jinsnaya and El Qariye, while also alleviating the economic burden on households who previously had to purchase trucking water for $30 monthly, compared to an average household income of $120. Meanwhile, since water starting flowing from the tank in February 2023, the South Lebanon Water Establishment (SLWE) reported monthly savings of $2,000 on back-up generator fuel costs due to the large capacity of the new tank and the decreased frequency of water pumping needs.

“USAID responded to our pressing need and resolved a 35-year struggle by constructing this international-standard water tank. Now that we have adequate distribution of water, disputes over access to water between residents on the outskirts of the town stopped,” said Hadi Youssef, Mukhtar of Jinsnaya.



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