CSP Launches Technical Assistance with the South Lebanon Water Establishment to Ensure the Proper Operation and Maintenance of the Nmairiye Wastewater Pumping Station
The wastewater pumping station in Nmairiye, South Lebanon was constructed in 2012 by the state’s Council of Development and Reconstruction to carry wastewater from the communities of Deir Ez Zahrani, Habbouch, and Kfar Roummane to the treatment plant in El Charqiye, thereby serving an estimated 50,700 residents. However, due to the absence of a secure road, staff from the South Lebanon Water Establishment (SLWE) couldn’t properly operate and maintain the facility which left it in poor condition, leading to health and environmental hazards as a result of the uncontrolled discharge of untreated wastewater. In response, USAID’s Community Support Program rehabilitated the wastewater pumping station in Nmairiye and constructed a 410-meter access road to facilitate operators’ access to the facility.
To ensure the sustainability of this intervention, CSP is also training SLWE staff on the safe operation and maintenance of the installed equipment, proper operation and maintenance of the generator, and best waste management practices; additionally, CSP will provide SLWE staff with safety equipment and operation and maintenance guidelines. On April 3, 2023, five participants from SLWE and the municipalities of Habbouch and Kfar Roummane attended a stakeholders’ meeting to fully explain the intervention to benefiting communities and discuss best practices to ensure project safeguarding and sustainability.
“This is a vital project for the region which will solve the problem of wastewater flowing underground. We will cooperate and work closely with SLWE and community members to maintain this project”, stated Ali Nehme, Habbouch Mayor.