CSP Provides Operation, Maintenance, and Environmental Compliance Trainings to Aalma Ech Chaab and Hasbaya Municipalities (South Lebanon)
The villages of Aalma Ech Chaab and Hasbaiya, South Lebanon, are home to a combined population of 8,750 Lebanese residents and 730 refugees. Amidst the ongoing socio-economic and energy crises in Lebanon, neither of the villages’ municipalities nor residents could afford to cover the costs of fuel to power their backup generators, which has caused growing tensions within both communities. In response, USAID’s Community Support Program (CSP) provided each town with hybridized photovoltaic systems, including on-grid solar farms with the necessary associated accessories, to enhance residents’ access to electricity.
To ensure the sustainability of these interventions, CSP is building the capacities of municipal staff from both towns on the safe operation and maintenance of the provided systems. At the same time, CSP is conducting trainings on best practices related to the waste generated by the equipment. On September 20, 2022, CSP completed both trainings in Aalma Ech Chaab and Hasbaya, which were attended by 12 representatives from the municipalities.
“By informing us on the care and protection of the solar panels and their accessories, these trainings by USAID/CSP are enabling us to maximize the project’s benefit through the regular maintenance of the provided equipment,” stated Jean Lotfallah Ghafari, Head of Aalma Ech Chaab Municipality.