LAU USP/CSP Intern Tala Kayyal Employed Following Her Internship with CSP
Tala Kayyal is a recent graduate from the Lebanese American University (LAU) with a degree in business studies and Information technology management, which was made possible through USAID’s University Scholarship Program (USP). Within the framework of its collaboration with USP at AUB and LAU, CSP matched Tala with an internship to assist in the set up and the rolling out of the “Recyclables Waste Management Community of Practice”, implemented under CSP’s Technical Assistance and Capacity Building component. The internship allowed Tala to complement her academic knowledge with hands-on technical experience to facilitate her access to the job market. Despite her limited experience in solid waste management in Lebanon, Tala led a team of two undergraduate students to assist in creating the first electronic database of recyclables collectors and buyers in Lebanon and three electronic municipal legal guides on recyclables waste management. Six months into her internship, Tala was hired as a full-time “Program Assistant” at the USAID-funded Lebanon Agriculture and Rural Empowerment (ARE) program implemented by Chemonics. Tala is an example of the impact that the USAID funded CSP/USP internship program is having on students, especially in terms of enhancing their employability.
“My improved communication, organizational, leadership and time management skills, thanks to my internship with CSP, were key to earning my first full-time job at USAID’s ARE”, said Tala Kayyal, LAU USP/CSP intern.