May 20, 2024

The USAID-Funded Community Support Program Signs a Memorandum of Understanding with Notre Dame University (NDU) to Sustain USAID’s Knowledge Management Portal

In its efforts to ensure the sustainability of USAID-provided resources, the USAID-funded Community Support Program (CSP) is hosting on its website a Knowledge Management Portal (KMP) that includes a rich library and a wide range of training material for municipalities and civil society organizations. The KMP was originally developed by USAID’s seven-year BALADI CAP project, and further enriched by CSP. It currently includes more than 200 USAID-developed training modules, reports, tip sheets, and guidelines on topics such as governance and leadership, financial management and disaster management, digital media, environmental planning, among others. To ensure the sustainability, availability, and accessibility of the KMP following CSP close-out, CSP is transferring the KMP from its website to the E-library of Notre Dame University-Louaize (NDU), where it will be accessible for free to all public users.

 On May 10, 2024, CSP and NDU signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) outlining the transfer strategy based on an agreed sustainability plan with defined roles, responsibilities, and obligations of the relevant parties. As part of its technical assistance to NDU, CSP will also facilitate the signing of an MoU between NDU and the Directorate of Local Councils at the Ministry of Interior and Municipalities in Lebanon to empower municipalities by leveraging resources from the portal.

“These resources are a valuable reference, particularly for young individuals aiming to run in municipal elections, manage NGOs, or conduct research. We highly appreciate the academic and practical value they offer,” said Dr. Dany Azzi, Director of the Lifelong Learning Center (LLC) at NDU and municipal member of the Okaibe municipality in Kesserwan.



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