USAID Volunteers in Beirut


What we do

Community Support

Under direct community support, CSP collaborates with local partners to implement short- and medium-term interventions aimed at improving livelihoods and ensuring access to services, alleviating sources of tension among communities.

Short-term interventions include the repair and rehabilitation of light infrastructure and the provision of equipment such as water tanks, generators, and streetlighting. Longer-term interventions are geared toward improving quality of life and achieving sustainable community development. These include solid waste management projects, clean energy solutions, and short-term income generating opportunities.

Once a community is selected for an intervention, CSP adopts a participatory design approach with local actors, including municipalities, civil society organizations (CSOs), and other community-based groups. CSP also consults with engineering and environmental contractors to maximize interventions’ benefit for communities and avoid implementation delays.

Learn more about our
Community Support projects!

US AID Logo in Blue and Red
Provision of Electricity in Dahr El Ahmar


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